Monday, March 11, 2013

"He's going the distance. He's going for speed!"

"Reluctantly crouched at the starting line, engines pumping and thumping in time. The green light flashes, the flags go up. Churning and burning, Goobz yearns for the cup."
 (Notice we are BOTH airborne in this shot- Dylan has quite the camera skills!!!)

"He deftly maneuvers, and muscles for rank. Fuel burning fast on an empty tank. Reckless and wild, he pours through the turns..."

"The arena is empty, except for one dog, still striving and driving as fast as he can... Hugging the turns and thinking of some bone/toy/dog for whom he still burns..."

"He's going The Distance! He's going for Speed!"

"Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course... He's going The Distance!"

"He's striving and driving and hugging the turns, and thinking of some bone/toy/dog for whom he still burns..."

Goobz trail ran Eisenhower Park. Bottom line, my little dog may look like a pretty boy, but he is a BEAST when you let him loose outside!! He has boundless amounts of energy and is fearless. I was dying trying to keep up with him as we ran all over the trails. Dylan calmly took pictures of the madness. After we got back and settled down, all I could think of was that old 90s song "The Distance" by Cake. I felt is was incredibly appropriate for this afternoon, with a few changed words to accomodate my dog, hehe!

Posing for Daddy... slap happy and worn out! 

When you get to the very top of Eisenhower Park, you can stand on The Tower for a gorgeous view of our city from 360 degrees. My favorite view is of downtown...

70 degree weather... full sunshine... blooming flowers... Spring is here!! :)

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