Thursday, November 29, 2012

Every mountain top is within reach.... if you just keep climbing

"Long, blue, spikey-edged shadows crept across the snow-fields, while a rosy glow, at first scarce discernible, gradually deepened and suffused every mountain-top, flushing the glaciers and the harsh crags above them. 

This was the alpenglow, to me the most impressive of all the terrestrial manifestations of God. At the thought of this divine light, the mountains seemed to kindle to a rapt, religious consciousness, and stood hushed like devout worshippers waiting to be blessed."
-John Muir-

Bright, chilly morning of 26 degrees at 7 a.m. as we began our trek across Ski Apache to reach the summit of Sierra Blanca, "The White Mountain," the tallest mountain in the Lincoln National Forest of the Mescalero Indian Reservation and southern New Mexico.

Snow was scarce the first mile through the meadow. Once we passed into the forest though, the snow was a good 3 or 4 inches deep. Thankfully, we were starting early so the snow was still nice and packed, which meant no sinking. Conditions were great! The weather warmed up as the sun got higher in the sky, and we were so thankful to not have any wind until we were directly on the summit. It made for a beautiful climb.

  "And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, standing in admiration as a breathing red pours its' tinge upon the earth. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises... stand reverent, silent so that man's weak praise should be given God's attention."
-Donald Miller-

We were having a truly spectacular morning until this view came into sight. Dylan and I had been hiking for about 3 miles or so at this point. We were nice and warmed up, legs were feeling good, no altitude problems... loving life at this moment. However, the ridge put a damper on things. From the trip report and the pictures on-line, this ridge is not well marked, nor is it very visible. Yeah, not good...

The closer we hiked, the more Dylan and I realized how steep this ridge was. Now, I conquered Mt. Sneffels, so I figured I could do another ridge. A ridge... with snow and ice however, is a COMPLETELY different story. Where there should be nice, solid rock for you to grab on, there is a thick layer of ice and snow. You grab hold of rocks and gravel you can barely see through the snow and ice blindly, praying you get a good enough hold with your hands and that your gloves hold up through the icy cold of the snow. Praying that your feet find decent enough purchase on the ground below that will hold you as you reach for something you cannot see but know is there.

After reaching the summit of this first ridge, I was seriously considering turning back around. I had not fallen yet, but was envisioning myself loosing purchase and sliding to my doom down the mountainside. Dylan sat down with me as I had another internal war with myself. But, we pressed on.

 I always, always want to quit, but never do. If I am honest with myself, the thought of not being able to reach the top with Dylan is unbearable. There is great need to be right there beside him... to not be left behind on these things, which I think will never go away and always make me press on, even when I am shaking in my boots and barely holding myself together on top of these mountains. Don't know what that says about me, but it is the truth.

That entire ridge, which looks like the scales on the back of a lizard, we did. Dylan says the ridge involved Class 3 climbing moves, and in all honesty, I have no clue what that means, other than the moves were/are difficult. Dylan had to kick footholds in the snow for me to make it up because I could not reach nor make the moves between the rocks without another step in between. I felt so bad the entire time he was doing that because it was so much extra work for him, using up his own energy to make sure I was safe and felt as comfortable as one can on top of a 12,000 foot mountain.

I had one breakdown before we made it to the top. Kudos to me! I had about 4 or 5 on the last mountain. Progress!

12, 003 ft atop Sierra Blanca

Ruidoso Downs, Ski Apache, Lincoln National Forest, Cloud Croft all in view...

We made it back down all in one piece! (2 breakdowns total for me and only 1 fall) After reaching the bottom of all the ridges, Dylan and I both agreed we were NOT doing another ridge mountain in the snow. Even Dylan agreed some of the moves were too risky without being strapped in or minus snow. The trek down is always a beast because you are more tired than you think. Plus, the ridge took more energy than normal so the 4 and 1/2 miles back was rough. It was a beautiful day though; perfect for an 8-9 mile hike, giving us both another mountain under our belts.

 "The mountain has left me feeling renewed, more content and positive than I've been for weeks, as if something has been given back after a long absence, as if my eyes have opened once again. For this time at least, I've let myself be rooted in the unshakeable sanity of the senses, spared my mind the burden of too much thinking, turned myself outward to experience the world and inward to savor the pleasures it has given me."
-Richard Nelson-

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Family is like Fudge: mostly sweet, with a few nuts!..

Happy Thanksgiving from the"Wild Wild West" of Cloud Croft, New Mexico. 
Jerry, Sheryl, Stuart, Megan and Dylan

We went all "crazy" and decided to take an Old West photo for kicks while playing tourist in the mountain towns of New Mexico. Dylan and I had a grand time!! My mother took the cake though! We had to pick a picture where everyone smiled because she could not make a serious face to save her life! Every shot we took she was smiling. My mom is just too nice; does not have a mean or serious bone in her body!

We stayed in gorgeous two-story cabin in Ruidoso, thanks to family/friends from El Paso. We woke up every morning to a gorgeous view of the Lincoln National Forest and Mescalero Indian Reservation. My dad named Goobz the "Deer Hunter" because every morning when we took him out, Goobz tried to chase and attack the deer. Yes I know; they are about 10 times the size of my dog, but he does not care. We are beginning to think we should have named him Napoleon because he thinks he is bigger and badder than anyone else. Hehe!

Weather was gorgeous! Low 60s during the day with plenty of sunshine and sweet smelling pine forests!

We visited Inn of the Mountain Gods (casino), one of my favorite places to visit while in Ruidoso. It is set down in the valley of the mountains, with this perfectly blue lake behind it and a gorgeous view of the Sierra Blanca Mountain and Ski Apache in the background. None of us really enjoy gambling, but it is always wonderfully decorated for the holiday season with fun activities, food and stuff to buy/window shop.

"Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!" -Albert Einstein-

Dylan and I had such a wonderful time being back in the mountains! I am so very grateful to my parents for making this happen and for my brother agreeing to come down and spend time with us. Thanksgiving was always G-ma Day's holiday, and I believe it will forever feel strange to not be in El Paso with her, God rest her soul. I can say though that being in Ruidoso, visiting old familiar places, eating yummy El Paso tamales, watching/listening to Bedlam game and reminiscing about holidays past made me feel closer to her this break and not miss her so much.

               Family never truly leaves us; they just find new ways to be with you and fill your soul with light.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight!!"

For the past two nights, I have had extremely strange, creepy dreams. Dreams I can recall with sharp clarity, which is something I am rarely able to do. You would think my brain would just shut down, knowing it has a full week off from work. Apparently not...

Dream 1: I feel this one is pretty self-explanatory, but still creepy...

This is why I do not watch movies with scary, unidentifiable life forms in them. We watched the movie PROMETHEUS last night, and I spent entire night having horrible dreams that everyone I knew who got pregnant ended up having a creepy, slimy squid-octopus baby who wanted to eat everyone and throw blood around with his 8 tentacles....

Kicker of it all! NO ONE would kill the things because they actually wanted to study them. PULEAHSE!!

Dream 2: This is the strange one...

I heard an awful noise around 4 am this morning. Sounded like someone was either trying to break in the apartment or steal cars from outside.... lots of strange clanging and banging noises. Woke Dylan up... he deduced it was the trash guys gathering the recycle stuff.

Went back to sleep only to dream people were actually trying to get in our apartment using items from the recycle bin. Dylan was not with me; so Goobz and I took off running from said "badguys." Badguys chased us with Fanta Orange soda glass bottles that had been broken into shards... (I read a book how these were/are used as torture methods in Afghanistan.) The plastic containers that hold bottles of water and coke were also chasing us. Yes, they had legs!

Weirdest of all! Mr. Castillo, our Vice Principal at work, tried to save us BUT he talked so slow and had such a hard time getting his words out ( this is true on a regular basis) that the plastic containers got us just as my alarm went off. Saved by the bell!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanks for everything...

"We never know which lives we influence, or when or why."
-Stephen King-

I will forever remember the men and women in my life who taught me the joys of learning, who taught me how to earn my accomplishments, who taught me the satisfaction of a job well done, who taught me the tough moments are there for a reason so embrace them; they forge your future. I remember those individuals who showed me the world, even if it was from inside a classroom. I remember those teachers who taught me to always learn something new; the mind is a wonderful thing and must be continually challenged. I remember those moments in class, which at the time I did not know, but those moments planted the seed for teaching inside of me. I remember those teachers who taught me there is no greater joy than to explain something to someone and have their eyes light up with understanding and interest; to know you have changed some small portion of someone for the better. Most importantly, you have chosen to teach not for your own personal gain but because you know each individual out there deserves to enjoy the world... the whole wide world, just as much as you do. 

We should be thankful every month, but November is truly a month to reflect on those people you are most thankful for. I am thankful for Mrs. Wicker (1st grade), Mrs. Bauman (5th grade), Mr. Arbuckle (6th grade), Coach Williams (7th-8th grade), Mrs Rice (AP), Mrs. Hartman (AP), Mrs. Mosteller (AP), Dr. Bailey (college), Newspaper/Journalism editor Mrs. McGill, Coach Suz and Coach Randy (tennis), Miss Diane (piano) and Mr. Poos (self-defense, among many many other things). There are many more, but these individuals stand out in my mind. I strive to remember your lessons, advice and encouragement on a daily basis. I strive to be the person each one of you saw in little Megan, way back when. 

Today, I was gifted with a letter from a young student who found herself a stronger person after having had my AP class. Here is what she said:

"Mrs. Carey, 
      Your AP World History class has been my favorite of all four years of high school. Thank you. In all honesty, you gave a lot of work, and quizzes, and tests, and timed writing essays, and lectures and chapter readings, but I am a better person for them. The first day I was so surprised that such a large volume of voice could come from such a small person! But you quickly became my all-time favorite teacher... I still remember the Aztec culture, and how they sacrificed blood to their gods. I remember the Roman Empire and their technological advances. I remember the Chinese dynasties and how they never were pronounced the way they looked. I loved the way you taught; you were so into it and intense when you wanted us to remember something really important. Thank you for helping me pass the AP exam. Thank you for everything.
                            -Your Student"

I had a nice, sweet cry over this letter, such a precious gift. I pray these students have people in their lives who see deep down into the amazing person each one of them can be, just as I did. What a responsibility we all have... Thank you November for giving me the opportunity to look back with fond memories on my own teachers, and to become one of those in the present day.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just open your eyes and see: Life. Is. Beautiful.

We are truly having a Fall down in South Texas this year, with highs in the 70s and 80s and lows in the 50s with zero humidity. The trees have actually changed colors! Dylan and I decided to hit the road this past weekend for another "Weekend Warrior Carey Adventure" to the McKinney State Park of Austin, Texas.

We saw this rock in the Onion Creek that runs throughout the entire park. Take a look at the face! I swear it looks like one of those ghosts from GHOSTBUSTERS!!! Dylan and I had a good laugh about this for the rest of the hike.

Of course the Goobz went too! We took him with us, fully prepared for him to only want to walk/hike around 3 miles or so and then we would carry him in the backpack the rest of the way; however, we were in for a surprise! We hiked around 7 1/2 miles that morning, and Goobz did THE WHOLE THING by himself! We did not carry him once! Now, we stopped for breaks quite a bit and were prepared with lots of water and treats for him , which I think made all the difference. Dylan and I just continue to be impressed with this little guy. He is such a happy puppy dog! He is extremely curious about the world around him. He likes to be challenged and loves to be outside! God truly did bless us when he put Goober into our lives.

He was wiped though, after we finally got back in the car! Curled up in the back with all the pillows and camping stuff and took a long nap! We then took off for North Austin to visit my Cousin Kate and her awesome husband Chris because they just had a new baby boy! He is the first of the second-generation grandchildren in the Day Family. Gabriel is his name, and he is such a handsome young man!

Dylan and I were impressed! He is a happy baby! Likes to sleep... alot, which I am beginning to understand is what babies do best. He was awake for a little while, which was fun! He is around 9 weeks old, with lots of facial expressions and noises. He is trying to talk to you and makes strange noises the whole time. He smiles with a cute little dimple in his right cheek. He has big blue eyes, which follow you around with such purpose. All in all, a wonderful addition to our family! Plus, Kate and Chris make a wonderful parent team. It was such a beautiful, sweet thing to watch Chris lovingly rock his baby boy and to hear the love and inflection from Kate when she held her son. :)

My own family continues to melt my heart on a regular basis! As Dylan and I continue to seek God and his new purpose for our lives, we feel ourselves opening up to the more simpler things in this life.

"You can't quit until you try. You can't live until you die... You gotta laugh when you're the joke.... ALIVE. just open your eyes, open your eyes and see that Life. Is. Beautiful."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's.... James Bond?

Another stellar conversation from my AP students today:

AP Student 1: So what is this movie SKYFALL about? Why are people so excited for it?

AP Student 2: It is another Superman movie. Skyfall.... because he can fly. DUH! 

Me: No, it is a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig.

AP Student 1: How come he is British? I mean, if you are going to have a hot, badass person shouldn't he be American?

AP Student 2: Bond is a British secret agent. DUH!

AP Student 1: Yah, well, that is stupid because British people are lame. Mrs. Carey, where is Britain anyway? Is it like, an important place?

Me: Shakes head in disgust and walks away... Future of America right here I think to myself.