Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight!!"

For the past two nights, I have had extremely strange, creepy dreams. Dreams I can recall with sharp clarity, which is something I am rarely able to do. You would think my brain would just shut down, knowing it has a full week off from work. Apparently not...

Dream 1: I feel this one is pretty self-explanatory, but still creepy...

This is why I do not watch movies with scary, unidentifiable life forms in them. We watched the movie PROMETHEUS last night, and I spent entire night having horrible dreams that everyone I knew who got pregnant ended up having a creepy, slimy squid-octopus baby who wanted to eat everyone and throw blood around with his 8 tentacles....

Kicker of it all! NO ONE would kill the things because they actually wanted to study them. PULEAHSE!!

Dream 2: This is the strange one...

I heard an awful noise around 4 am this morning. Sounded like someone was either trying to break in the apartment or steal cars from outside.... lots of strange clanging and banging noises. Woke Dylan up... he deduced it was the trash guys gathering the recycle stuff.

Went back to sleep only to dream people were actually trying to get in our apartment using items from the recycle bin. Dylan was not with me; so Goobz and I took off running from said "badguys." Badguys chased us with Fanta Orange soda glass bottles that had been broken into shards... (I read a book how these were/are used as torture methods in Afghanistan.) The plastic containers that hold bottles of water and coke were also chasing us. Yes, they had legs!

Weirdest of all! Mr. Castillo, our Vice Principal at work, tried to save us BUT he talked so slow and had such a hard time getting his words out ( this is true on a regular basis) that the plastic containers got us just as my alarm went off. Saved by the bell!!!

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