Saturday, January 5, 2013



1. Student: Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court, right?

Not one of my students, but we all had a grand laugh over this one!

2. Student: Africa is a country, right? And the places you can visit are like, states, right?

Again, not one of my students. But most of the students have a very hard time understanding Africa. Most of them always call it a "country" and assume the whole place is either Sahara with sand or they tell me the Amazon River runs in Africa. Sigh!

3. Student: The alphabet of Russia is Russian, duh!

I will admit that Cyrllic is hard to say.... BUT STILL!

4. Teacher: Porcelain was developed in China many, many years ago- what are some uses for it?
    Student: Potties... so the Chinese invented toilets?

5. Student: Caucasian isn't Chinese?

Not one of mine, thank goodness!!

6. Student: Thailand isn't Vietnam? Then how come they all look alike over there?

Some of them are racist, I know. I apologize for them...

7. Student: Wait! STDs are real? I thought adults just made that stuff up so we would think sex was gross....

8. Student: I could never be a prostitute. I talk to much...

This is my favorite! This is from a young lady who seriously cannot shut up... ever. Even the class has to tell her to stop talking. :)

9. Teacher: What is the vocab term for moving away from traditional church views or rejecting traditional church doctrine?
    Student: Hershey!

The real answer is Heresy... close enough, right?! Chocolate is considered sinful... hehehe!

10. Student: So... in olden times if people don't shave, do they all look like Big Foot?

11. Student: Also, if you don't shave your arm pit hairs, do they just continue to grow and grow?

This was asked by a young female student. The boys in my class laughed really hard over this one and then commented to her she obviously did not have a brother or a boyfriend. OUCH!

12. Student #1: Mrs. Carey, why don't we have old buidlings, churches and stuff in the USA like they do over in Europe?
      Student #2: Because we bull-doze everything around 50 years old to build Super Wal-Marts, malls and places where you spend lots of money and buy lots of stuff...

This would have been similar to my answer as well so I let this student answer for me.

13. Student: Mrs. Carey, how come we don't have cure for the Black Death/Plague, even today in 2012? Well, I think we should give it to the Chinese. They can fix and make everything.

Please understand that "Chinese" to my students means anyone from the Far East. They hear stuff on the news about schools in the Far East and how much the students study etc.; therefore, most of them assume every Asian person they meet is brilliant, has PHDs etc

14. Student: Sacajawea is from Thailand, right?

This one I almost lost it on. I had to actually turn around so I did not laugh at the student. I'm bad, I know!!

Another teacher where I work pointed out there are 2 major Native American/Indian women from the USA one should know about. They are even in alphabetic order!! Pocahontas and Sacajawea. And the 3 major Native American men all have "S" names: Sqaunto, Sequoyah and Sitting Bull.

You are laughing right now, I know. You are also trying to decide whether these students asked myself or other teachers in earnest, or were they pulling our chains? Well, let me help you out with that one. These were all legit. Now, maybe they did not think before they opened their mouths, which happens so very much ( I call this Verbal-Vomitting), but please understand around 95 percent of what they ask or say is honest. This is why people embarass themselves on national TV for "Jay-Walking" and other skits like that.
So long to 2012- bring on the increduality of 2013!!!
Student: Solomon had 300 wives and 700 porcupines- ouch! He was also an hysterical figure, as well as featured in the Bible. Sounds like he was kind of busy..."

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