Saturday, January 12, 2013

My life as a Musical: January 2013

I truly believe Life should be lived via Musical form. I cannot count the number of times a day I can hear the perfect song in my head for just this exact moment, this exact mood. The only thing that stops me from completely busting out into song and belting out the words with the appropriate hand gestures and flying leaps here and there is this is NOT socially acceptable. EXCEPT! For in the car!! In the car, ah! The possibilities are endless with the radio, CD player, IPOD plug-in; the list goes on and on.

So, I do this everyday. I have zero shame singing at the top of my lungs with the radio as loud as it can go as I travel to and from work or my errands every day. I am that weirdo in the car who people watch and laugh at from behind your closed windows and doors. It's okay; I know you are secretly jealous that you are not in the car with me! hehe! :)

Well, 2013 is throwing me curveballs, and I'm a little peeved the year has already started out seemingly out of control. Health problems I thought would go away after the break are back in full force and other areas of Dylan and I's lives are starting to go topsy-turvy. I commented on this to one of my students the other day at work, nothing personal mind you, just a statement and the dude replied:

"Mrs. Carey, why are you surprised. You teach us this every day; every civilization and group of people ride the rollercoaster. You start out slowly going uphill and then you reach the top and you are flying because you are the best of the best at that moment! But inevitably, you start the downhill slide and have to work your way back to the top. This process will occur many more times than you would like. Mrs. Carey, you are just on the downhill slide and are having to work your way back up again. You will be okay; I mean, just look at the Romans. They are still going strong, even after all those barbarians invaded. So, just think about beating off all those barbarian tribes, okay!"

Uh, W.O.W. Talk about getting put in your place! Not only is he correct, but some of them actually pay attention to me! I will just say again, W.O.W. Thanks for the pep talk dude! The young man's words played in my head all day and then the musical began! I got in the car to drive home from work and THE MIDDLE by Jimmy Eats World is on. Totally appropriate for my point in life and also great Spin song, brings back such fond memories!! Commerical hits and of course, I switch stations and hear PROMISES by Sanctus Real. Another winner!! These dudes rock in concert btw. Dylan and I saw them at Christmas and really enjoyed them.

So here is my current life as a musical for you:
"Hey! Don't write yourself off yet. It's only in your head to feel let down, or looked down on. Just do your best! Try everything you can. And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away. It just TAKES SOME TIME. Little girl, you're in THE MIDDLE of the ride. Everything, everything will be just fine.
Hey! You know they're all the same. You know you're doing better on your own, so don't buy in. Live right now, just be yourself. It doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else! It just TAKES SOME TIME. Little girl, you're in the MIDDLE of the ride.
Everything will be just fine, even when it's hard to keep believing in what you can't see. Everything happens for a reason, even the worse life brings. If you're reaching for AN ANSWER, and you don't know what to pray. Just open the pages and let HIS WORD be your strength.
Just hold on to the PROMISES. Jesus is ALIVE, so hold tight! Hold on to the PROMISES! All things work for the good for those who love God. HE holds back nothing that will heal you, even HIS ONLY SON. HIS love is everlasting, HIS faithfullness unending. If God is for us, then who can be against us?!
When you feel weak, just hold on to the PROMISES! Neither life nor death can separate us from the eternal love of our GOD WHO SAVES US! Just hold on to the PROMISES....."

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