Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love actually is all around...

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there- fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge- they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."
         -Love Actually 2003-

Neither Dylan nor I make a big deal out of V-day. You love each other every day, and I am blessed to have a marriage that is full of constant surprises and love 365 days of the year. Now, we do always get each other cards. I am a huge stickler on cards, and I know that comes from my mother and am proud to admit that. I keep all of my cards from my husband and pull them out about once a month to look back over them. They make me smile and cry because of how sweet Dylan is and how much we have grown in our marriage and love towards each other. We did have some good eats this year though! Yummy yummy salmon cranberry, spinach, gorganzola burgers with white rice and a refreshing "adult beverage." Dylan splurged too and bought us 4 massive milk and white chocolate covered strawberries- such a weakness of mine! We split them evenly, and I enjoyed every single delicious bite of my two strawberries and am not ashamed to say I picked all of the small pieces of chocolate that fell off the strawberries out of the box and ate those too! :) 

I survived work that day too! This year I decided to try something differently. I told each class, in my most serious teacher-voice ever, that if they brought their balloons (which make noise when they move, which is ALL THE FREAKIN TIME) and their huge teddy-bears that take up extra seats in class because the students refuse to put them on the floor (the floor is gross, I don't blame them but when a massive pink teddy-bear sits in the seat like a real person, it gives me the creeps!) and their boxes of bakery goods (which drip chocolate and other sweets on the floor and make the desks sticky, not to mention they tempt me for 8 hours so by the end of the day I can't stand it and usually give in to too much chocolate) I would kick them out of class, pop their balloons, give their bears to my dog who would rip them to pieces in about 2 minutes and put their food in the trash. I said this on the 13th....NOT ONE STUDENT BROUGHT BALLOONS TO MY CLASS!!! NOT ONE STUDENT BROUGHT BEARS TO MY CLASS!!! And the food was small and minimal. Half of them even told me they gave all of their stuff to a friend to keep because they knew I was serious. (Side Note: I would never do any of those above mentioned things.... not literally anyways. In my head, I have a party completing all of these tasks, but I would never never do this in real life!!!) I have to say though, do I have my students whipped or what?! Hehehe! It was a small victory that I cherished the whole day as other teachers around me complained of these problems. Don't worry though!! I tell them all how pretty or handsome they look, how beautiful the flowers are and I console those who feel left out. I remember what it is to be 16... thank God we are done with that! 

If I could stay home and not work, I would watch romantic comedies all day! First and best of them all, WHEN HARRY MET SALLY and YOU'VE GOT MAIL. I know each of these movies line for line; I have seen them that many times. Meg Ryan is just the ultimate in both of these movies!! Billy Crystal is annoyingly cute- I just can't help but like him! And Tom Hanks, well, that man can do no wrong in my book. LAST OF THE MOHICANS- when Daniel Day-Lewis character tells Cora under the waterfall "I will find you, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you." OH MAN... come find me too! hehe! JERRY MAGUIRE- this movie is sweet and makes me laugh so hard with Cuba Gooding Jr's character and his "Show me the money" line! MOULIN ROUGE- do I even need to explain on this one?! I thought not, but just in case, play the 5 minutes where Ewan McGregor covers "Your Song" by Elton John. Trust me, you will be hooked, line and sinker. Even Dylan admits to having a man-crush on him after this movie!!! :) A WALK IN THE CLOUDS- now generally I do not like Keanu Reeves, but he is good in this movie. I love all the metaphors with the grapes and the wine and it is just beautiful where they shoot this film. FRENCH KISS- another Meg Ryan movie set in Paris. Plus, she is a hoot and a pill in this one and makes me feel better because Kevin Kline's character falls for her, even though she is really annoying most of the movie. Good to know that your husband can still love you even when you are annoying!  FIRST KNIGHT with Sean Connery and Richard Gere. I know right, you are good right there. It is oh so good and hard for me to choose which guy I think she should end up with. You fall for both King Arthur and Lancelot for very different, but very good reasons. AUGUST RUSH- the music does it for me in this one! The songs Jonthan Rhy-Myers sings are beautiful and so heartfelt. TANGLED- oh how I love this movie!!! I know every line in this one too, I have seen it so many times! Makes me want to have magical hair and name our little boy Flynn. :) THE SOUND OF MUSIC- too many things to say about this movie. Let me just tell you my parents knew how much I adored this movie when I was in high school, and they took us on The Sound of Music tour when we visited Salzburg, Austria. 4 blissful hours of listening to the soundtrack over and over again while visiting every single place they filmed the movie at. I adored... now I am obsessed. :) "You brought music back into this house... I had forgotten." Oh Captain Von Trapp! Then my husband took my to the Alps in Switzerland where I had a total Maria moment: twirled in the fields and sang "Sound of Music". A-mazing moment in my life! PRIDE AND PREJUDICE- I can't believe I am saying this because I detest Jane Austen, but I love, love the version with Kiera Knightley and Judi Dench!! EVER AFTER with Drew Barrymore- love love this Cinderella adaptation! Pretty Woman and NOTTING HILL - Julia Roberts at her finest. "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her." Gets me every time! 

Many, many others that time and space do not permit me to write and gush over! Just remember that no matter where you look, no matter how ugly and awful things may seem, Love actually is all around.... :)


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