Saturday, April 6, 2013

This the THE VOICE!


Ah, those 4 little words get me super excited every Monday and Tuesday!! Absolutely love love this show! I am a true fan as well because I have been watching since the first season 4 years ago when the rest of USA couldn't tell whether it was going to amount to anything or not. Well people, I knew. If there is anything I do know (besides stuff for my job), it is music. Those of you who know me; heck, those of you who have just recently met me can attest to that. So as I said before, I knew this show would be money!

I even called the winner for Season 1 from his first blind audition. Javier Colon. OMG the man sent shivers down my spine with his rendition of Cyndi Lauper's acoustic "Time after Time." His voice was golden from the get go, and he had such heart when he sang! I was super jazzed when he picked Adam Levine to be his coach as well because let's be real, Adam Levine and Maroon 5 are beyond amazing!!! They have 4 CDs now, but the first one "Songs about Jane" will forever be my favorite! It was so raw and gritty and emotional. Ah, the 90s. Those were the good ole days of music. :) But.... I digress.

(Side note, I have been listening to Maroon 5 since before they were ever on the radio. Since before people even know who they were, outside of a select group. My awesome friend Brendan Hope turned me on to these guys one summer, and I'm pretty sure the two of us drove everyone nuts because we had their one CD "Songs about Jane" on repeat for an entire summer. Wherever we went, we were listening to their music. Good memories eh buddy?!)

Back to The Voice.... Javier made it on Season 1. I also learned to really like Blake Shelton that season. I was not as in tune with the country music scene, but I came to really like the guy and in turn, liked his music. Now, Seasons 1-3 saw Christina Aguilera and Cee Lo Green as the other 2 judges. I am a huge Christina fan... regardless of her ups and downs so I really wanted her to have a winner. Cee Lo... well... he never won me over. Now, I like some of his music, especially the songs "Old Fashioned" and "What part of Forever" but his personality always creeped me out a little. And, he only ever picked pretty girls for his team which I thought was also creepy. Needless to say, he never won.

Season 2 was good, and I called the top 4 for that round. Man, that was a good season!! The top 4 were all just amazing! I was not going to be upset about any of them winning. My personal pick was Chris Mann (Team Christina). His Battle Round song covering Celine Dion's "Power of Love was just ridiculous! He did a fabulous job on everything.. loved his duet with Christina on "The Prayer." Juliet Simms (Team Cee Lo) was a true rocker chic! She was fun to watch and her rendition of Sting's "Roxanne" was legit, but she got kind of werid towards the end, almost like she was shutting down. Adam's guy was Tony Lucca, my second choice. He had an advantage because he used to be a Disney Mousketeer or whatever they were called. Loved loved his rendition of Kayne's "99 Problems" (one of my fav workout songs to this day!) and his duet with Adam covering Beatles "Yesterday" is another song that gives me chills, regardless of how many times I listen to it. Jermaine Paul was Blake's guy and he won Season 2. He was good, but I felt already had an advantage because he had been a back up singer for Alicia Keys for many years, but don't get me wrong, the man earned his award. My favorite song of his was the duet with Blake "Soul Man." Loved loved it!!

Another awesome part about Season 2 was getting my dad into the show. He called randomly one Monday night to ask if I was watching this show becuase he thought I would like it and of course, I was way ahead of him. We started talking and since he raised me musically, we have similar tastes in music for the most part. So for the duration of season 2 and 3, we either called each other right after the episdoes to talk or we texted our reactions to each singer. It has been really neat to bond over this show with him!  I look forward to his calls and our chats that week about who we think the winner would be. We also get a kick out of the dynamics of the coaches and laugh about their jokes or digs at each other. :)

Season 3 was last year and sad day, I did not watch too much of that season because we were just a little busy with trying to sell a house.. move.. get Dylan settled into working a full time career etc. There was just tons of stuff going on so I was a little behind all season. I liked Pip's version of "House of the Rising Sun", but knew he would never make it to the top. I liked the 80s rocker dude with the mullet and thought he would win. He didn't. Blake's girl, Cassadee Pope, won and as I look back on her stuff, she was good. Her cover of Miranda Lambert's "Over You" was so haunting as was her final song, "Stupid Boy." She deserved her win, but like I said, I did not see too many of her actual performances.

Now, it is Season 4 and so far, it's rocking!! I was a little bummed to see Christina go, although she had started to be really hoochie momma-ish in Season 3, so I think was probably for the best. Cee Lo, whew! And I am loving Shakira and Usher!! Shakira is all kinds of fiesty, but super nice to all of those contestants. And Usher is smooth... quiet but smooth. There have been some true Latino artists, and I think that is thanks to Shakira, which is awesome because The Voice can be anybody. Way to add more diversity to the show!! Adam and Blake are both beyond obnoxious because they have both won before. Blake more so than Adam because he has 2 wins. But it is all in good fun and you can tell. The season is only halfway through the Blind Auditions, which means the coaches are still picking teams so if you do not watch, still plenty of time to get in on the action and not feel behind!!! :) They don't have the teams posted yet, so I'm having a hard time remembering who I think has staying power but these were the songs that stood out to me thus far:

1. Judith covering Christina's "What a girl wants"- Girl had lungs, power and her own spin on the song!!
2. Christian covering LMFAO's  "Sexy and I know it"- Turned this dance song into a sexy kind of indie version and I was all over that!
3. Midas Whale "Folsom Prison"- I don't think these guys will go too far but they rocked their Johnny Cash version with the harmonica!
4. Warren Stone's Zac Brown Band's "Colder Weather"- dude had a voice! Plus, fire fighter and cowboy- hello! :)
5. Danielle "Mean"- I absolutely hate Taylor Swift but that little girl did such a good job on this song I actually liked the song when she sang it.
6. Monique "Loca"- loved the fiesty Latino get in on this Shakira song! Plus, her pink shoes were just fabulous with that outfit!!
7. The judges just loved the little girl who sang "Safe and Sound" from the Hunger Games soundtrack. I am more partial to the original version because the Civil Wars sing the song and I am beyond obsessed with that duo but she was good. She is super young though, so we will see how long her voice holds out.
8. Sarah Simmons "One of Us" Joan Osbourne cover was good.
9. Girl who sang Garth Brooks version of "Make you feel my love" was good too. Judges all loved her.
10. I even liked the girl who sang Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl." She came out of nowhere because her looks sure did not indicate she would sing like she did.

All of the contestants are good, don't get me wrong. These were just the songs that stood out for me and that I can remember at the moment. So, if you don't watch, you should! Would love to have more people to debate and chat about the show with!! If not, I shall do my best to keep everyone updated and as soon as teams are set, I will pick my top 4. We will see how I do this year... :) I'm 2 for 3... pretty good odds eh?!

Have a great Saturday night everyone and get ready because Tuesday night has the potential to be EXPLOSIVE!!! Ziva is getting ready to go CRAZY on NCIS so be expecting a long post about what happens on the show!!! We have been waiting a month to see how she takes her father's death and anyone who thought she was just going to let it blow over was stupid. Ziva is beyond that. I'm just so afraid she is going to get all stupid with Tony and ugh!! See, okay, I can't do this yet. Episode has not even aired and I'm already assuming the worst. Needless to say, I am already so eager and excited I can barely stand it when I think about what could happen... EEEEEEEEE!

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