Thursday, April 11, 2013

You better Acca-Believe it!!!

 I am obsessed with the movie PITCH PERFECT and its' soundtrack.

I'm pretty sure if I could go back and do one thing over growing up, I would be not be a sissy and put myself out in the theater/singing world because I cannot express how badly the inner singing woman inside of me wants to get up, sing and dance on stage like these girls do. And the sad thing is, I did do musicals in middle school. I honestly have a decent voice and talking, performing in front of lots of people doesn't bother me. (Clearly, look at what I do for a living) I have no idea why I stopped doing those things once I got to high school. Shame on me for quitting and shame on whoever else got me to stop!!! Alas, that line of work has passed, but I will forever dream of doing this... I mean Elphaba of Wicked has my name written all over it!! But alas, that line of work has passed...

Literally. I will confess to watching the movie two times in a row... back to back. I will confess to downloading the soundtrack and having it on repeat in my car for at least 2 weeks now. I will confess to secretly wishing I was Anna Kendrick (who used to seriously annoy me as Bella's friend in the TWLIGHT movies) in the movie.. belting my heart and lungs out in the last mashup song.  The last mashup song is seriously my jam right now. It gets better every time I listen to it. The song choices are beyond amazing and the actual scene in the movie rocks! So... I can't help it... you have to listen. You have to watch.... maybe multiple times, like I do. You have to sing along... throw your fist in the air as a tribute to THE BREAKFAST CLUB, if you must. I do everytime!!!

My next favorite jam is the guys group, called the Treblemakers. Their last mashup is awesome too and my next favorite song on the soundtrack. The little dude with the glasses who comes out of nowhere with the rap midway through the song makes me laugh so hard every time! Plus, he reminds me of one of my students which just makes it even better. So now, you have to watch...

Last but not least, Fat Amy. Who doesn't like her?! And her quotes!! Epic...

The Aca-Remix is good too!! I absolutely love Nelly's "Dream" song and had previously hated Bruno Mars "Just the way you are" but after hearing the re-mix, I love it now! I still hate Bruno Mars... he is totally ripping off Sting and the Police in his latest songs... but I now like that song in that version. So see what music can do in all of its varieties!!

Oh the quotes! These quotes make me wish I was living back in the house in Abilene with my amazing roomies Rach, Joanna, Kristen and Abby because I feel like so many of these moments in this movie would have been appropriate for our crazy college lives!! I wish we could laugh at them and share them together.
Case in point:
Chloe: "Oh yeah... I'm pretty confident about.. *gestures to her body*... all of this.
Jesse: "You're one of those acapella girls. I'm one of those acapella boys. And we are going to have aca-children. It's inevitable."
Fat Amy: "You are going to get pitch-slapped so hard your man boobs are going to concave in."

Bumper: "So I have a feeling that we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling?"
Fat Amy: "I sometimes have a feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think mmm... better not."

Mwahahahahahahahahahah!!!! One of the best lines of the movie!!!! :)

"Aca-excuse me?" I know right! After watching these clips, you are thinking to yourself how juvenile this movie really is and I will agree completely. But there is just something about it.. I don't know. It gets me every time!! Perhaps living in the high school for world for 8-9 months of the year with 15 year olds is getting to me... Perhaps my brain in some areas is starting to truly lose brain cells as I try to reach their level.... Perhaps I'm just learning how to appreciate the little, silly things in life I did not do in high school... Who freakin knows?! And more importantly, who cares!!!

It's all about "The Magic" in you.. in me.. in whoever you want to be!

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