Thursday, May 30, 2013

Donner Party of 1.... Donner Party of 1

I had another really strange dream the other night involving the Donner Party incident along the Oregon Trail. Have you people heard of the Donner Party? If so, you know it's gruesome. These people end up resorting to cannibalism to try and survive a winter in the Sierra Nevada mountains.... only 1 survives out of 14 who were stuck in this area. And he does so only after he has eaten all the rest of his relatives and friends who died before him or became so sick he had to kill them and then eat them to stay alive.

Lovely, huh?! Kind of scary too... a true cannibalist story here in the USA!!! People do really, really desperate things during really, really desperate times. The story seriously gives me the heebie-jeebies and creeps me out..

Anywho, how this relates to my dream you ask? Well, I have been teaching about significant events in US History for the past week at work, trying to get my kiddos to remember even a little bit for next year. We have been doing very obvious events, like Revolution, Vally Forge, Ratification of Constitution, Marbury V Madison etc., and other not so obvious events (which I had to research btw) such as Alien and Sedition Acts, Midnight Judges, true nature of the Founding Fathers, such as Adams and Jefferson, early slavery laws etc. I also included Manifest Destiny and the push West along the Oregon and California Trails. As a guide and aide, our US teachers recommended I watch the series AMERICA: STORY OF US. They made a MANKIND: STORY OF US ALL for World History and it was just phenomenal!!! My kiddos watched every episode and just loved it, so I figured the US series would be just as good. It was good, not great, but then again, I am a little biased towards World History. :)

Dylan and I watched the first disk, which included the episode about the Donner Party. They had this image of one lone guy sitting there amidst the bones, skin and entrails of other human beings all buried in the snow. In one scene, I think the lone survivor was gnawing on a human bone... Something truly, truly gross and disgusting like that. Needless to say, the episode had an impact on me. That night, Dylan and I did not turn the A/C up when we went to bed, so the rooms became super cold. Now, both of us like sleeping in the cold, but with adequate covers. Since it has been so unbelievably humid in SA for the past month, we have been sleeping with super light sheets and 1 blanket. Clearly, it was not enough.

I began to dream that Dylan, Goobz and I were climbing one of our mountains. Climbing mountains, normal. Bringing the dog along with us, NOT. In the dream, it started snowing and we got stuck up there. We ran out of food... had been many days... you get the picture. I went away from camp to do something and came back to find Dylan cooking Goober and attempting to eat him!!! I panicked! Hard core panicked in my dream state! I woke up at like 3 am freaking out, thinking it was real and that Dylan was eating my baby. I went looking for Goobz, freaking out even more when I could not find him. He usually sleeps beside me, either nestled in my arm and should area or down at my feet. He was not at either position. I jumped out of bed, trying to use my phone light to find him, and it took me forever. At this point I think I was having a mini anxiety/heart attack!!! I was just about to wake Dylan up when I found Goobz buried under the covers on the floor and Dylan's dirty clothes. He was cold and had made himself a little makeshift, warm bed out of our stuff. WHEW!

I was so worked up I had to go into the kitchen and calm myself down. I drank glass of water, turned on lights and just sat on floor to collect myself. Goobz came out to sit in my lap and give me smoochies, and we stayed that way for a good while. When I was okay again, I turned off A/C, pulled all covers up over th bed and brought Goobz up to sleep next to me. We slept the rest of the night in relative peace, thank goodness. I know it was just a dream, but it seriously bothered me. I told Dylan, and he just laughed at me, calling me crazy. Typical. Needless to say, I feel very sorry for the Donner Party and cannot fathom how people to get that state of mind and being. I am so grateful that is not something I have to worry about.

So here's to the Donner Party: may all of us who enjoy the outdoors be mindful that Mother Nature is a beast and always wins. She is not to be messed or trifled with. And here's to hoping I have more peaceful dreams.

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